
Here are some of the tips I have picked up from Neal’s Yard.

There is a blend of herbs that has lots of great customer feedback:

Equal parts of Cornsilk, Couchgrass, Buchu and Marshmallow Leaf. Again drink at least 3 cups a day, 1 teaspoon a cup, brewed for at least 5 minutes.

marshmallow leaf cornsilk buchu

If you can’t find this blend of herbs, you could also use Plantain or Uva ursi.

Buchu is an expensive herb compared to the others, but does give the tea a rather pleasant taste.

If you don’t like drinking herbal tea, you could also consider taking these herbs internally as a tincture.

Again, I would like to re-iterate that this advice does not replace the knowledge of a qualified herbal practitioner. If you suffer from frequent bouts of cystitis, it’s probably best to have constitutional treatment.


Some people also like taking Sitzbaths with Bergamot essential oil.



Cantharis 30c – persistent urge to urinate. Intense burning before, during and after urination. Urine passes in drops. Aching in small of the back. Restlessness. Blood may be present in urine.

Staphysagria 30c – Cystitis develops in newly married women -“honeymoon cystitis”. Ineffectual urge to urinate. Pressure in bladder; bladder feels as if it did not empty. Burning and pain after urinating. Burning in urethra when not urinating. Also occurs after illnesses that require extended bed rest. Emotional trauma and anger may also bring this condition on.